Do you Need Help or Support ?
There is always community support on forums, please post your questions and our growing community is always eager to help. Also, you can check out our tutorials and blogs to see what's going on. Finally, we have a Live Chat system on the bottom right of the site, just log on and you can try a real-time chat.
If you have a specific technical question and need to talk to someone to help you figure something out, for example questions like:
"I don't understand how to install the tools?"
"I have read the manual over and over and still don't understand how the video signal works -- help!!!"
"The CD-ROM that comes with the product is not readable."
On the other hand if you are having more of a sales and eCom problem, such as:
"I haven't received the product yet and its been 3 weeks!"
"I live in Spain, can you ship to me?"
"The product is not the one I ordered, what should I do?"
Our support service is available 24/7, 365 days a year and will contact you as soon as possible.
Note: Please remember when emailing us to always request a read receipt to ensure we received your message. We pride ourselves on same-day customer response, but the high amount of spam and filtering on the internet today often leads to lost messages. If you still can't get through after emailing us with a read receipt, please try our off-server backup address for general support inquiries:
Or just give Customer Support a call at 512.266.2399. We try to cater to all time zones, so we will be around 12 noon until 12 midnight Austin, TX time usually. And remember if you're not in the USA to put the correct country code for United States.